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Im Outta Here Sonic Roblox Id TUTORIAL

Im Outta Here Sonic Roblox Id

Dorsum to: Sonic the Hedgehog CD.

For subconscious content pertaining to the 1996 Windows release, click hither.


  • 1 Stage select
  • 2 View developer time attack times
  • 3 Move the clouds
  • 4 Instant expiry
  • 5 "I'm Outta Hither!!!!"
  • 6 Sound exam
  • 7 Play secret Special Stage
  • 8 Secret pictures
    • eight.1 Tails' message and edit mode
    • eight.2 MC Sonic
    • 8.three "Spooky" Sonic
    • 8.iv Batman parody
    • eight.5 Anime Sonic
  • 9 "CX" room
  • ten Time attack icon oddities
  • xi Unused content
    • xi.1 Art
    • 11.ii Objects
    • eleven.3 Sound
    • xi.four Palettes
    • 11.5 "Comin' Shortly" screen
  • 12 References

Stage select


On the title screen, press Up Down Down Left Right B.

When a level is accessed this mode, clearing the level or attempting time travel will take the player back to the title screen. If the level was ended by attempted time travel, entering the phase select again and choosing another level will start the level as if the thespian had traveled through time, keeping any Rings and accumulated time from the last level.

View developer time assail times

SonicCD MCD Times.png

On the title screen, press Right Right Up Up Down C. The initials may refer to the following:

  • CXX: Masato Nishimura (CXXMAJIN)
  • TOT: Yasushi Yamaguchi (Judy Totoya)
  • 3PE: Masahiro Sanpei (3pei)
  • ANN: Akira Nishino

Motion the clouds


On the title screen, hold Down + A and printing Up Down Down Down Down Up. The D-Pad on the second Control Pad can now be used to move the clouds around.

Instant death

Pausing the game and then pressing A + B + C volition kill Sonic. This is useful for returning to the last checkpoint, or if Sonic gets stuck (which can happen easily due to layout differences between fourth dimension zones). If this is done when the role player has only one life remaining, the game will finish and return to the title screen.

In the North American version of the game, simply one of the buttons needs to exist pressed.

"I'thou Outta Hither!!!!"

Expect iii minutes without doing anything, and Sonic will say, "I'chiliad outta here" and jump off the stage, ending the game.

Sound exam

SonicCD MCD SoundTest.png

On the title screen, press Down Down Down Left Right A.

Play secret Special Phase

On sound test screen in a higher place, set the values to FM07, PCM07, DA07 and press Start.

According to a one-time Sega Europe QA Tester, an extra Time Stone was to exist collectable hither. When collected in add-on to the previous Time Stones, "S" TV monitors would announced where the band TVs were previously located. When broken, the histrion would morph into a gimped version of Super Sonic, which would simply grant them invincibility and greater speed. The graphics would not alter.

Beating this hidden Special Stage will display a hidden Special Phase Staff screen with the Ending Theme of the game playing.

Secret pictures

Tails' message and edit mode

SonicCD MCD TailsMessage 1.png

SonicCD MCD TailsMessage 2.png

On sound examination screen above, set the values to FM40, PCM12, DA11 and press Start. The image was made by Yasushi Yamaguchi, who created Tails, and the Fiddling Planet theme plays on this image.

Tails is pictured adjacent to his favourite machineMedia:Sonic2 Physician JP transmission.pdf [1], the Lotus Super 7. While seen in a Sega Saturn test disc, this is the only time to appointment that it has ever featured in a video game.

Edit mode tin can also exist accessed in the PAL version of the game by pressing Start on the 2nd controller when the attraction sequence is playing. The NTSC versions lack this feature (though information technology is nowadays in the 920 prototype).

The controls for when edit mode is active are every bit follows:

MC Sonic

SonicCD MCD MCSonic 1.png

SonicCD MCD MCSonic 2.png

On sound examination screen in a higher place, ready the values to FM42, PCM03, DA01 and press Start. This image was made by Kazuyuki Hoshino, and the theme for Metallic Madness plays on this paradigm.

"Spooky" Sonic

SonicCD MCD Mazin 1.png

SonicCD MCD Mazin 2.png

On sound test screen in a higher place, set the values to FM46, PCM12, DA25 and press Start. The bulletin says たのしさ∞ セガ・エンタープライゼス まぢん画 (Infinite fun. Sega Enterprises - Mazin Moving-picture show), and was made past Masato Nishimura. The boss theme plays on this paradigm.

Batman parody

SonicCD MCD Batman 1.png

SonicCD MCD Batman 2.png

On sound test screen higher up, ready the values to FM42, PCM04, DA21 and press Start. The image was made by Takumi Miyake, and Final Fever plays on this image.

Anime Sonic

SonicCD MCD Anime 1.png

SonicCD MCD Anime 2.png

On sound test screen above, set the values to FM44, PCM11, DA09 and press Start. The message says ゆーあーくーる by さんちゃんず (You are cool, by Sanchanzu) and was made by Masahiro Sanpei. Palmtree Panic "G" Mix plays on this image.

"CX" room

SonicCD MCD QQ CXRoom.png

There is a hidden room in Quartz Quadrant Zone ane By which cannot be reached during normal play. When entering the room with edit mode, the room has glitched floor collision and the messages "CX" in the background made from shadowed tiles. These letters may be the signature of Masato Nishimura, who designed the graphics for Quartz Quadrant, as "CXX" is a nickname Nishimura is occasionally credited under as seen in the programmer fourth dimension attack times screen above, and in the credits for Dark Wizard every bit "CXXMAJIN".

Fourth dimension attack icon oddities

SCD TidalTA.png SCD QuartzTA.png

The icons used to denote Tidal Tempest and Quartz Quadrant in the Time Attack menu appear to show earlier versions of these two stages.

Tidal Tempest has ripples in the foreground besides as the groundwork. This is an issue seen in the Japanese version of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, merely was removed from subsequent games (including Sonic CD).

Quartz Quadrant has scarlet crystals in the foreground, while in-game the crystals are blueish (although they glow a pinky-ruby-red).

Unused content


Art Description

SCD eyes closed.png

A sprite of Sonic with his eyes closed. Could accept been used every bit part of an idling blitheness, alike to Sonic 2's two stages of waiting, and Sonic 3's unused blitheness of Sonic nodding off to sleep.

SCD electrocuted.png

An animation of Sonic existence shocked past electricity. It may have been used in Wacky Workbench, which contains various level elements with the potential to electrocute the player. It could also have been used in Collision Chaos, every bit office of the Metal Sonic sequence.

SCD fallshrink.png

An animation of Sonic falling into the altitude. Purpose is unknown. Information technology could have been used for the sequence where an animation of Sonic warping through time is shown. A similar animation was found in Sonic 1 which was besides unused.


An animation of Sonic waving his arms with his palms outstretched. This could have been used in Tidal Tempest when walking through the water, to simulate an endeavour at moving more quickly.

SCD looking over shoulder.png

A sprite of Sonic looking over his shoulder. Most likely to wait at Dr. Eggman when he activates his laser backside Metal Sonic prior to the start of the race against Metal in Stardust Speedway Zone three.

SCD sneeze.png

An animation of Sonic sneezing, like to what is seen in the opening animation. Sonic sneezing when confronted with danger was a concept briefly explored by Sega in the early days of the franchise, but while a sneezing Sonic appears in some merchandise, Sonic CD is the closest information technology ever got to appearing in a video game.


An animation of Sonic upside-downwards with his eyes wide and his oral fissure open. This suggests that this animation could have either been used for an alternate death animation, or if Sonic was caught by an environmental hazard that dangles him in the air somehow.


An unused sprite of Sonic grabbing onto something and attempting to create traction. This implies that he may have been trying to end something from pulling him into some sort of take a chance. May have been part of a scrapped Badnik. A modified version of this sprite appears in Sonic Crackers, as well.

SCD WW Swinging.png

Similar to the other horizontal pole sprites from Wacky Workbench, this 1 has Sonic swinging his feet forward. Perhaps he originally had to pull away from electrical hazards positioned underneath.

SCD sp Sinking.png

An unused animation of Sonic shrugging his shoulders. These sprites are found in SPSS__.BIN, which contains Sonic's Special Phase specific sprites. In the final frames of the animation, the very bottoms of his feet disappear, as though he is sinking into something. Perhaps an unused quicksand gamble, or even being pulled out of the Special Stage birthday, equally a failure to obtain the Time Rock blitheness.

SCD hanging.png

An animation of Sonic being pulled up by... something. Purpose unknown. These sprites are also found in SPSS__.BIN. Early prerelease screenshots show hot-air balloons, not UFOs, in the Special Stages. Peradventure they defenseless Sonic and floated him around?

SCD sp Falling.png

An animation of Sonic being knocked dorsum. Purpose unknown. These sprites are also found in SPSS__.BIN.

SCD sp Leaping.png

Purpose unknown. These sprites are as well institute in SPSS__.BIN. Possibly it could have been used for when Sonic jumps on a jump in the Special Phase?


An unused animation of Sonic with his arms outstretched and his chest pushed out in front of him. Whilst its purpose is unknown, many believe that this is somehow related to transforming into Super Sonic.


An animation of Sonic skidding whilst looking the other way. It is unused in the main game, merely does appear during the "You Are Greatest Player!" sequence seen one time beating the Time Set on scores. Information technology'southward fairly like to the skidding animation in Sonic Crackers, and could have been used while skidding at higher speeds in contrast to the normal skidding blitheness, which was modified from Sonic ane.


Unused sprites of Amy with hearts in her eyes. Not used at any point in the game. In the Sonic CD 2011 remake, these sprites are utilized whenever Amy hugs Sonic.


Art Description

SonicCD MCD Sprite Monitors.png

The "S" monitor, with the aforementioned icon as in Sonic one. Breaking this monitor gives Sonic Invincibility, Power Sneakers and a Shield all at the same fourth dimension.

SonicCD MCD Sprite Monitors.png

A monitor with a blue Ring, which has no upshot. In the v0.02 and 510 prototypes, it had the same effect as the "S" monitor, while in the v0.51 and 712 prototypes it acted as an invisible shield that tin can stack with a regular shield. Its icon would be repurposed for the Combine Ring in Chaotix and the Hyper Ring in Sonic Mania.

SonicCD MCD Sprite Monitors.png

This monitor is supposed to stop time for a few seconds, but it doesn't work correctly. It can end the animations of Rings and monitors as well equally rotating palettes, but that's it.


Oil slick graphics are loaded in for Special Stages i, 2, iv, five and 6, presumably with the idea of causing Sonic to skid. These can be found normally in some prototypes of Sonic CD, but are unused in the final game. They are non-functional in every known build of the game.


An unused broken switch sprite establish inside the ROM. Speculation shows that they may accept been used in the Bad Future of a Zone, to forestall access to certain routes. Other switch sprite present for comparing.

SonicCD MCD Sprite R11A UnusedSplashes.png

An unused object with an ID of 04 in Palmtree Panic that moves downward apace for a bit and then disappears, overwriting the level blocks with a singular block as it moves down. When placed in the Round itself, information technology uses incorrect graphics and solidity as seen


. Unused graphics located at 0x03695A in R11A__.MMD (shown to the left) seem to fit the sprite mappings for this object perfectly, suggesting information technology may have been intended to generate a waterfall, as seen


. This object has existed since the v0.02 prototype.


SonicCD MCD Sprite QQPastPlatform.png

A platform that moves up and down while moving to the left. They come in two variations: a pair and a group of iv, all of which exercise the same matter (though in the latter, the top row are flipped vertically). While technically used in the Futures of Quartz Quadrant, these variants for the Present and Past do non appear anywhere in their respective time zones.

SonicCD MCD Sprite QQPastSmallConveyor.gif

SonicCD MCD Sprite QQPastMediumConveyor.gif

SonicCD MCD Sprite QQPastLargeConveyor.gif

Conveyor belt platforms for the Past version of Quartz Quadrant. While these platforms be in the Present and Futures, they do non appear anywhere in the By at all, then these Past variants are never seen.

SonicCD MCD Sprite QQPastSwingingConveyor.png

A swinging conveyor belt platform for the Past version of Quartz Quadrant. Similar the platforms above, this object exists in the Present and Futures, but this unique Past variant doesn't announced anywhere.

SonicCD MCD Sprite SpecialStageItems.png

This appears to exist an unused particular from the Special Stage. Its use is unknown, merely it may accept stopped the timer.


Audio Clarification
The time warp sound originally used in the v0.51 and 712 prototypes. Strangely, it is a CD audio track, and can exist heard by inserting the game disc into a CD role player and playing rails #2.
Sound ID FM NO.21 . An unknown harmonica-like sound. FM NO.22 is a indistinguishable of this sound.
Sound ID FM NO.26 . Sounds similar a Spin Nuance or a Super Peel-Out beingness jammed.
Sound ID FM NO.48 . A unlike version of the sound heard when pressing a button.
Sound ID FM NO.49 . The warning bell normally heard underwater in other Sonic games, only high-pitched. The 2011 rerelease uses this sound, albeit at a lower pitch.
Sound ID FM NO.50 . Sounds like something being shot.
Sound ID FM NO.54 . An electrical sound of sorts.
Sound ID FM NO.55 . A loud, harsh buzzing sound.
Sound ID FM NO.60 . Unknown, merely it sounds like something rising or powering up.
Audio ID FM NO.61 . Sounds like FM NO.55 , but has a resonating sound underneath it.
Sound ID FM NO.63 . An echo-y spike-like sound.
Sound ID FM NO.66 . A very loftier-pitched "ding" sound. Later on used in Sonic Mania for the Hyper Ring powerup.
Sound ID FM NO.67 . A college-pitched version of Sonic losing his Rings.
Audio ID FM NO.68 . Sounds like FM NO.63 , merely without an echo.
Sound ID FM NO.69 . Sounds similar to the door sound at the end of the Metallic Sonic race.
Sound ID FM NO.75 . A variant of FM NO.68 .
Sound ID FM NO.76 . A variant of FM NO.68 .
Sound ID FM NO.77 . A variant of FM NO.68 .
Audio ID FM NO.78 . A variant of FM NO.68 .
Audio ID PCM NO.02 . A voice clip of Sonic saying "Alright!". According to Masato Nishimura, this may accept been intended to play when Sonic passes the signpost at the cease of a Zone[two].
Sound ID PCM NO.05 . A voice clip of Sonic saying "Yeah!". This was used as the extra life audio in the v0.51 and 712 prototypes.


Palette Description
Leftover palette data for Salad Manifestly from the v0.02 prototype, establish at offset 0x000754 alongside palette cycling information at 0x0001F8 in R11A__.MMD.
Leftover palette data for Sonic 1's title screen, found at offset 0x0005D4 in R11A__.MMD.
Leftover palette information for Sonic one's level select screen, institute at offset 0x000654 in R11A__.MMD.

"Comin' Shortly" screen

SonicCD510 MCD Comparison CominSoon.png

This screen, which features a scrolling banner saying "COMIN' SOON" while playing the Invincibility theme, was used as far dorsum as the v0.02 prototype when the just two levels in the prototype have been completed, and used for subsequent prototypes after clearing certain Rounds. It manages to survive all the way into the final game and can be viewed by selecting "COMMING" in the phase select.


  1. File:Sonic2 MD JP manual.pdf, folio 42
  2. (Wayback Machine: 2021-02-19 15:xx)
Sonic the Hedgehog CD

Scd titlescreen.png

Chief folio (2011)

Promotional fabric
Mag articles
Video coverage

Subconscious content (2011)
Hacking guide

  • Levels
  • Enemies
  • Bosses
  • Prereleases
  • Media


Palmtree Panic


Collision Chaos


Tidal Tempest


Quartz Quadrant


Wacky Workbench


Stardust Speedway


Metallic Madness

SCD special.png

Special Stage

Scrapped Levels:

Original game – R2 | Bonus Phase
Remake – Desert Dazzle | Final Fever

Ttz badnik 02.png


Anton b.png


Batapyon a.png


Mmz badnik 02.png


Ssz badnik 03.png


Ccz badnik 01.png


Ssz badnik 04.png


Ssz badnik 02.png


Kamakama a.png


Ssz badnik 01.png


Qqz badnik 01.png


Kumokumo a.png




Wwz badnik 02.png




Noronoro b.png


Patabata b.gif




Sasori a.png


Mmz badnik 01.png


Wwz badnik 01.png


Tagataga2 a.gif


Ppz badnik 01.png


Ccz badnik 02.png


Ttz badnik 01.png


Ttz badnik 03.png


Scrapped Enemies:


R2 Badnik 1


R2 Badnik 2


R2 Badnik 3




Egg Tilter


Egg Bubble


Egg Conveyor


Egg Razer


Metal Sonic


Egg Spinner

Scrapped Bosses:

SonicCD MCD R2 Boss Sprite.png

R2 Dominate


1992-12-04 (v0.02)




1993-05-12 (v0.28A)

SonicCD621 MCD TitleScreen.png

1993-06-21 (v0.51)


1993-07-12 (v0.70)


1993-08-01 (v1.05)


1993-08-06 (v1.09)


1993-08-19 (v1.xi)

Scd titlescreen.png


Scd titlescreen.png

1993-10-xiii (v1.15)


SonicCDGuideBook Book JP.jpg

Guide Volume

CompleteSonicCDGuide Book UK.jpg

The Complete Guide


SonicBoom CD US booklet.pdf

Sonic the Hedgehog Boom

StHR CD JP booklet.pdf

Sonic the Hedgehog - Remix

SonicCDOST20th CD JP booklet.pdf

Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition

SonicCD Vinyl UK front.jpg

Vinyl album



Im Outta Here Sonic Roblox Id TUTORIAL

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